PinnedWhy We’re Thinking About Design All Wrong… and how we should think about it.Mar 28, 20241Mar 28, 20241
The Dark Side of Too Much InspirationOn a beautiful Thursday morning, I was searching for an article to read because I needed some user experience (UX) context for a flow I was…Jan 26Jan 26
Why product teams should be allowed to do Proud WorkWhen we talk about building products, we always focus on three things: the users, the business, and the product itself.Jan 262Jan 262
2023 in review: A year of many firstsa reflection on growth, adventures and transitionsDec 26, 2023Dec 26, 2023
2022 — Musings on Gratitude: Reflections on the Things I’m Thankful ForAnd remember, dreaming is free. So, dream away my friend.Jan 1, 20231Jan 1, 20231
4 Things Every Growth-Minded Person Need to Know — TBP Experience.When this year started, one of my goals was to explore programs outside of design. I knew that it was easy — very easy — to get boxed up…Sep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022
Published inAge of AwarenessProductivity Hacks for People with Multiple InterestsIf you are reading this right now, you probably are looking to learn new ways to stay productive and get more work done within the…Dec 30, 20215Dec 30, 20215
UI/UX: 5 Fascinating Things I Have Learnt About UI/UXDesign is everywhere. From the dress you’re wearing to the smartphone you’re holding, it’s design.” Does this quote sound fascinating to…May 25, 20211May 25, 20211
Published inSB IncubatorTeamwork Is The New Gold Standard: 6 Key Lessons from Working On a TeamWhat comes to mind when you hear the word ‘teamwork’ — pleasant experience or one of your worst experiences?May 31, 2020May 31, 2020
Published inSB IncubatorWe All Can Be Critical Thinkers After All: My February Experience At The Studentbuild IncubatorAfter January at the StudentBuild incubator, I earnestly looked forward to February for the very reason that you are about to find out.Apr 1, 2020Apr 1, 2020